Cani sciolti – a book reading and Q/A in italian at Aviatrix

Muhammad Aladdin is a noted Egyptian novelist and was born in Cairo on October 7th, 1979. He was chosen as one of the most important Egyptian writers in the new millennium by the Egyptian weekly Akhbar Al-Adab (News of Literature) in 2011, and as one of the »Six Egyptian writers you don’t know but you should«
The Millions. He has written 5 novels and 4 collections of fiction; among the noted work his first novel The Gospel According to Adam, The Idol, A Well-trained Stray, and his latest The Season of Migration to Arkadia.

»Ora capite la brutalità in cui viviamo (..) c’è uno spirito intemperante che affiora fin dalle prime pagine«.

»Un libro scoppiettante, ironico, cinico e ben scritto. Si tratta di Cani sciolti, del brillante autore emergente egiziano Muhammad Aladdin«.
Il Fatto Quotidiano

»Muhammad Aladdin dà uno schiaffo alla società conservatrice egiziana. (..)L’autore descrive in chiave post-moderna un’interessante evoluzione nelle dinamiche di relazione di un gruppo di giovani (…) Cani sciolti è un manifesto della liberazione sessuale«.
Il Manifesto